FWPA Data Dashboard
Our newly upgraded FWPA Data Dashboard is an advanced, interactive platform designed to deliver comprehensive data and analysis on the forest and wood products industry.
This upgrade provides enhanced access to insights that will empower you to make well-informed decisions, optimise business strategies, and understand the broader economic trends affecting your operations, clients, and supply chain.
Already have an account?
FWPA Full Member Access
FWPA full levy-paying members are able to access the FWPA Data Dashboard at no additional cost. Access all data series and leverage in-depth industry insights to drive strategic decisions.
- Access to all currently available data series.
FWPA Associate Member Access
Purchase full access to the FWPA Data Dashboard, giving you an extensive data view across all series. This tier offers critical insights that strengthen market analysis and empower strategic decisions.
$950 p/a
- Access to all currently available data series.
Public Access
Access data insights from across Australia, offering essential information to be informed about the Forest and Wood Products industry. Whether it’s for your own business planning, academic research, or personal interest, the FWPA Data Dashboard could be your advantage.
$950 p/a
- Access to all publically available data series except softwood data by state.
About the FWPA Data Dashboard
Visualised Data
Future Projections
Custom Filters
Analysis Articles
Export Function
The FWPA Data Dashboard is an interactive data platform designed to provide the timber industry with comprehensive insights and data analysis.
It consolidates key information to enable users to make data-driven decisions and respond effectively to market trends.
Data series in the dashboard are updated regularly, with new data series being added over time.
How to Use the FWPA Data Dashboard
Join Erick Hansnata, FWPA’s Statistics and Economics Program Manager, as he walks you through how to get started using the FWPA Data Dashboard. Learn how to:
- Log-in,
- Navigate the data series,
- Filter data,
- View in table format, and more.
Preview of the Data Included
Macroeconomic Data indicators
Understanding the summary macroeconomic indicators can help you to contextualise trends from other data series.
Key data series for the Forest and Wood Products industry, annual forestry sales, employment, house material indexes and international trade.
International Forest Production & Sustainability data
Compare how countries around the world perform in terms of production, trade value, and meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
ABARES-FWPA Monthly Trade Data and forecast
View imports and exports at a product or country level, and be ahead of the curve with new the new forecasting feature.
ABS building Activities Data
and Forecast
Keep up to date with key building data including historical and forecast approvals, commencements and completions, as well as building values and financing metrics.
Expert Analysis and reports
If you’d like an expert perspective, FWPA’s Statistics and Economics Program Manager produces regular analysis reports to help you stay informed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the new FWPA Data Dashboard?
The FWPA Data Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that provides access to data and insights related to Australia’s forest and wood products industry. It includes a range of datasets, visualisations, and reports that help users understand market trends, production statistics, and sustainability metrics.
What’s new compared to the previous FWPA Data Dashboard?
We have moved the data dashboard to a new platform. Compared to the previous platform, the new Data Dashboard has better visualisations and a focus on business intelligence to support business planning and decision-making. The Data Dashboard can be accessed from any device (mobile, tablet, computer) and provides a regular market analysis.
How do I access the FWPA Data Dashboard?
- The Data Dashboard is available for Full (levy-paying) FWPA members as a complimentary member benefit. FWPA Associate members and other interested users can purchase access via an annual subscription via this link.
- Please contact dashboard@fwpa.com.au with any access related queries.
What types of data is available on the new Data Dashboard?
The FWPA Data Dashboard covers data and information relevant to the Australian forest and wood products industry. This includes:
- selected macroeconomic indicators
- Australian forest and wood product statistics
- FWPA softwood data series
- Trade activities (export-import) on wood products
- International forest statistics
- Other relevant data such as building activities and sustainability data.
In addition, the dashboard provides forecast data and market analysis. The new Power BI data platform has been designed to extend its capabilities in the future based on the industry’s need and interest.
Can I customise the data view?
The FWPA Data Dashboard is presented in Power BI visualisation. It is an interactive platform with easy–to–use tools to combine and manage specific data timeframes and series. Users also can download raw data to perform further analysis.
Can I export data from the dashboard?
- Users can download raw data from the Data Dashboard, including reports and the brief analysis.
- Please note that the Terms of Use govern how the data can be used, shared or published. If you are unsure about what you can share, please contact the dashboard administrator via dashboard@fwpa.com.au
How often is the data updated?
The data on the FWPA Data Dashboard is updated regularly, with specific datasets refreshed on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, depending on the source. Update frequency is typically noted in the dataset description.
What should I do if I encounter an error or issue when logging into or using the Data Dashboard?
If you encounter an error or issue whilst logging in or using the Data Dashboard, please contact dashboard@fwpa.com.au.
What are the terms of use for the FWPA Data Dashboard?
The terms of use for the Data Dashboard are available via this link. If you have questions around how you can use and share the Data Dashboard content, please contact dashboard@fwpa.com.au.
What data series will be available outside of the Data Dashboard?
FWPA’s public data dashboard will continue to be publicly available via our website.
Can I get a refund If i change my mind?
Please note we do not offer change-of-mind refunds.
You can view the FWPA Data Dashboard Refund Policy here and follow the steps within to request a refund.
If you’d like support accessing or using the FWPA Data Dashboard, please contact us at dashboard@fwpa.com.au