- Report
Project number: VNC476-1819 Download executive project summary here. Improved nutrient management has the potential to increase wood production and profitability of softwood plantati…
Project number: VNC476-1819 Download executive project summary here. Improved nutrient management has the potential to increase wood production and profitability of softwood plantati…
The objective of the Rural Research for Development and Profit program is to lift farm gate profitability of primary producers across Australia, by investing in emerging tools and technolo…
The aim of this project was to obtain real data on the temperature, relative humidity, moisture content of timber and vertical displacement of a real, six-storey timber-framed building, du…
This research reports the results from the first year of ongoing research into the natural above-ground durability of plantation grown African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis). The study…
The Southern Tree Breeding Association (STBA) has developed the SEEDPLAN toolset to manage the vast amounts of complex information generated in tree improvement programs which select for…
These manuals are backing document to the Timber Service Life design guide that is available on WoodSolutions, click here to view. The vision for developing durability design procedures fo…
Over recent decades forest operations have become increasingly mechanised, more capital intensive and more complex to manage. International experience has shown that using computers on…
In January 2004 the exotic pest European House Borer (EHB), (Hylotrupes bajulus) was found in Perth’s eastern suburbs. EHB is a pest of seasoned, untreated pine wood and timber, infesting de…