- Report
Project number: VNC457-1718 (Sub-report 3) Click here to access the project summary flyer The giant freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi) is listed as vulnerable on both the Stat…
Project number: VNC457-1718 (Sub-report 3) Click here to access the project summary flyer The giant freshwater crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi) is listed as vulnerable on both the Stat…
Genetic Selection Tools for Enhanced Wood Properties & Plantation Productivity in Australia’s Temperate Eucalypts (Blue Gum Genomics). The Blue Gum Genomics project has discovered…
Presented by Matthew Larcombe, University of Tasmania, Wednesday 9th July, 2014. Eucalyptus globulus is widely grown in plantations outside its natural range, and often close to potent…
The aim of the project was to investigate the integration of molecular data into routine genetic evaluation of plantation species, in this case Eucalyptus nitens commonly known as Shining g…
Presented by Geoff Downes, Forest Quality Pty Ltd, Wednesday 11 September 2013. This webinar will present an overview on ways of utilisation of NIR in forest management. Foresters can now pr…
The Southern Tree Breeding Association (STBA) has developed the SEEDPLAN toolset to manage the vast amounts of complex information generated in tree improvement programs which select for…
Selecting the best tree for any particular location or economic situation, whether that is for sawn timber or pulp, is the key goal of the TREEPLAN software. TREEPLAN is used for genetic evalu…
During the last decade the Southern Tree Breeding Association has generated and developed strategically important intellectual property and tools for tree improvement in Pinus radiata,…