- Report
This project determined the underlying factors affecting the interaction between genetics and climate and site factors for radiata pine at different plantation sites across Australia an…
This project determined the underlying factors affecting the interaction between genetics and climate and site factors for radiata pine at different plantation sites across Australia an…
Using decorative veneers and veneered panels in high value appearance wood products allows a small volume of timber to be extended substantially and enables furniture, cabinet and joinery…
Sawing studies of 50 trees from two sites representative of the remaining slash pine mature clearfall harvest resource were carried out and a reference document reviewing wood quality rese…
This project identified and characterized the bonding states of water in softwoods during kiln drying, subsequent high humidity and/or steam treatment and later stabilization or storage…
The economic consequences of resin defects are significant as they are a major cause of lost recovery and sawn product rejection for solid wood processors. This project assessed tools neede…
Benchmarking the wood properties of radiata pine plantations: Tasmania – Summary Report. This project sought to identify the major sources of variation in wood properties affectin…
This project updates the KilnSched drying model to allow more accurate modelling of the drying behaviour of regrowth blackbutt, jarrah, messmate, spotted gum, alpine ash and Victorian ash…
Resource Evaluation for Future Profit: (Part A) – Wood Property Survey of the Green Triangle Region. The project’s objectives were to demonstrate the value of resource evaluation to…