- Report
A report on Establishment Techniques, Sawlog Species Comparison & E. cladocalyx Progeny Trials in south-west Victoria after eighteen years. This report documents the results from th…
A report on Establishment Techniques, Sawlog Species Comparison & E. cladocalyx Progeny Trials in south-west Victoria after eighteen years. This report documents the results from th…
This project was designed to harness the rapid technological advances being made in the capture and processing of dense point cloud data as a tool for forest estate management. It involved mu…
This project entitled ‘ProFert-Pine – A fertiliser tool for softwood plantations in southern Australia’ (project PNC342-1415) was developed by TreeMod, in collabor…
This project quantified changes in productivity of blue gum plantations between the first and second rotation, particularly in Western Australia. The research showed that well establish…
The project evaluated LiDAR based inventory solutions for softwood plantations in terms of information outcomes, technical feasibility and cost effectiveness. The project demonstrate…
LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) can deliver significant practical and economic advantages to those intensively managing pine plantations. The six largest pine plantation managemen…
Updating forest inventories of P. radiata plantations can be very expensive, with traditional methods costing from $25 to $40 per hectare. However LiDAR (Airborne Laser Scanner) data comb…
This project assessed the market for using small diameter roundwood (such as pulp logs and thinnings from sawlog plantations) as innovative building products. Using steam the poles are ben…