- Report
Genetic Selection Tools for Enhanced Wood Properties & Plantation Productivity in Australia’s Temperate Eucalypts (Blue Gum Genomics). The Blue Gum Genomics project has discovered…
Genetic Selection Tools for Enhanced Wood Properties & Plantation Productivity in Australia’s Temperate Eucalypts (Blue Gum Genomics). The Blue Gum Genomics project has discovered…
Presented by Simon Southerton, CSIRO Plant Industry, Wednesday 31 July 2013. Simon leads the Forest Genomics research in CSIRO Plant Industry. He has a degree and PhD in agricultural scienc…
Summary: Every forestry manager wants trees that will grow efficiently, make the best use of land and water resources and maximise yields. However, traditional selective breeding of trees…
Impact of sapwood and the properties & market utilisation of plantation & young hardwoods: Executive Summary and Literature Review (PART A). The hardwood processing industry in A…
This report was designed to validate or discard the use of standing tree and/or log acoustics as a tool for predicting Kraft pulp yield (KPY). As a result Acoustic velocity in both standing and…
Sawing studies of 50 trees from two sites representative of the remaining slash pine mature clearfall harvest resource were carried out and a reference document reviewing wood quality rese…
Benchmarking the wood properties of radiata pine plantations: Tasmania – Summary Report. This project sought to identify the major sources of variation in wood properties affectin…
This study evaluated possible low-cost methods of assessing solid-wood value of plantation- grown E. dunnii trees using the tangential shrinkage properties of fixed-height increment co…