FWPA Membership

As a not-for-profit industry services company, Forest & Wood Products Australia is funded by the Australian Government, member levies and research grants. All timber industry government levy payers are entitled to free membership of FWPA, which functions to grow the industry through research & development, market development and information services.

Full Membership

As an FWPA levy payer, you are encouraged to apply to become a voting member of your industry services company. Over 130 small and large organisations from all sectors of the industry are now active members and collectively they represent more than 90% of the sector by volume.

  • Contribute to the future direction and prosperity of the Australian forest and wood products industry.
  • You will have the opportunity to vote at Annual General Meetings, nominate candidates for board vacancies and be eligible to sit on our Advisory Groups.
  • Identify and deliver collaborative programs that improve the competitiveness, and market and community acceptance, of forest and wood products.

Associate Membership

If your organisation is involved with the forest and wood products industry, you are invited to become an associate member of FWPA. There is a $500 annual fee for this membership.

As an Associate Member of FWPA, you will be entitled to contribute to the development and implementation of FWPA’s strategies by participating in Advisory Groups.

Your company can have a supplier listing on the WoodSolutions website and an account to access the WoodSolutions online knowledge base.

Our Members

become a FWPA member

Become an Associate FWPA member

Associate Members List