Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd (ABN 75 127 114 185) is committed to respecting your privacy.
Unless otherwise advised, you acknowledge and consent to the use or disclosure of any personally identifiable information you provide to us, in circumstances that are:
- set out in this Privacy Policy; or
- clearly explained to you when the information is collected from you; or
- permitted under the Australian privacy law.
Collection of personal information
We collect personally identifiable information when you knowingly provide it to us. This may occur, for example, when you visit our website and complete the User Registration form, enter a promotion or make an enquiry. We only collect personally identifiable information and sensitive data when there is a legitimate business need to do so. If you choose not to provide certain information, you may not be able to access some areas of our website and may be precluded from taking advantage of some of our services. Your information will not be disclosed to any entities outside of Australia.Use of your personal information
The personal information that we collect from you may be used for reasonable business purposes in that we may store and process information to fulfil your requests or to enable us to develop and customise services to better meet your needs and preferences. Your personal information may be used for statistical purposes (e.g., to monitor website usage statistics, including visitor tracking) and other customer support purposes. In addition, if you complete the User Registration or subscribe to receive a newsletter, we may use your personal information to send you information about topics that we believe you may be interested in and for promotional and marketing purposes, including sending you information about products, special offers and promotions, unless you tell us otherwise. For any of the above purposes, you consent to us contacting you by any means, including electronic messages and by telephone, for an indefinite period. You can unsubscribe or ask us to stop contacting you for any of these purposes at any time.Disclosure to third parties
We will not sell, rent or lease your personal information to others. We only disclose personal information to selected third parties who carry out functions on our behalf, such as sending mail and e-mail, data entry, data analysis, developing and maintaining our website, providing marketing assistance, processing payments, and providing customer service. These third parties will only have access to personally identifiable information to the extent needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes. Other than as described above, we will not share your information to any other third party for any other purpose without your consent, unless it is otherwise necessary, as contemplated by the Australian privacy law.Complaints
If you wish to complain about a concern regarding the handling of your personal information, you can direct your complaint to us at We will endeavour to respond to any complaints as soon as they are received.Security
We maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of your personal information. Personal information is stored in encrypted databases, accessible only by authorised people. All personal information will be handled and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Australian privacy law.Access to review and correct your information
You can make a request to review, update or correct any personal information that we hold about you (subject to any exemptions under the Australian privacy law), by contacting us as set out below. We may require you to verify your identity before providing access.Links to other websites
Our website may include links to other websites that are not within our control. When you visit other website, you should check the privacy policy of each website, as they may collect and use information in different ways.Clickstream Data
When you visit our website, our server collects some anonymous information, known as click-stream data, including the type of browser and computer system or device you are using, the addresses of the websites you come from and move to after your visit, the date and time of your visit, and your server’s IP address. We may collect this information for statistical purposes to find out how our website is used and navigated, including the number of hits, the frequency and duration of visits, and most popular session times. We may use this information to evaluate and improve our website performance.Cookies
A “cookie” is a piece of information that our website server may send to your computer or device when you visit our website. The cookie is stored on your machine, but does not identify you or give us any information about your computer or device. Cookies help us to recognise you when you re-visit our website and to co-ordinate your access to different pages on the website. With most Internet browsers, you can erase cookies, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. If you want to do this, check your browser’s instructions or help screen.Softwood Timber Survey
Participants of the Softwood Timber Survey enter into a legal agreement with FWPA. The “Protocol for the Collection and Dissemination of Industry Data” governs collection and use of the data provided. All participant companies are provided with this protocol and associated legal documents.FWPA Social Media Policy
FWPA’s social media channels include those of FWPA and its related identities, including WoodSolutions, Forest Learning, Growing Careers or Wood. Naturally Better.™ If you follow, like or subscribe to FWPA’s social media channels you can expect:- Alerts about new content on our other digital channels (news, publications, videos on YouTube, etc.)
- Invitations to provide feedback on specific issues
- Information about our activities
- Photos and video from events and activities we organise or attend
- Shares or forwards of material we like