The Executive Committee is a subcommittee of the Growers’ Research Advisory Committee (GRAC), established to provide leadership for the GRAC as set out in this Charter and the GRAC Terms of Reference (TOR).
The primary objectives of the Executive Committee are to:
- Take the lead on progressing the objectives of the GRAC;
- Take the lead in periodically reviewing and revising the objectives of the GRAC; and
- Advocate to the GRAC for the advancement of the GRAC objectives.
The Executive Committee will consist of FWPA representatives and at least six GRAC members, broadly representative of the geographic range and interests of the forest growing sector. Grower members will be executive or delegated senior management professionals who will commit to effectively participating in and contributing to the strategic leadership of the GRAC. Membership will be reviewed every two years1 or as required and will be decided by self- or other-nomination and consensus in a GRAC meeting or decided by vote.
Representation will be from:
- The Chair of the GRAC (Chair)
- The FWPA Head of Forest Research (Coordinator)
- At least six FWPA forest grower members broadly represented from:
– a range of Australian States or Territories and forest types; and
– one or more of the NIFPI2 centre committees. An Executive Committee member may represent more than one of the categories above.