Manipulation of stand density and choice of genetic material are two key mechanisms through which forest managers can influence tree growth and wood properties. Past silvicultural practices in New Zealand have been characterised by early thinning to relatively wide spacing, while tree improvement programmes have primarily focussed on growth and form.
This new Scion study quantified the impacts of stand density and past genetic selections on the wood properties of radiata pine.
Stress-wave velocity, wood density, microfibril angle and modulus of elasticity were measured on trees and wood samples taken from a 15-year-old silvicultural and tree breeds trial located in Canterbury. The focus was to compare seedlots with genetic ratings of GF6 and GF25.
The results showed that very high stand densities are not required in order to influence wood properties, but early thinning to low stand densities should be avoided. Such results are of practical importance to forestry managers.
Click here for source (New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science)
Photo: FIEA