To complement the ABARES national forest and wood products statistics work is progressing on establishing a data aggregation service for Australia’s forest growers.
A contact program commenced in late August, 2014 with 16 forest growers to explore the level of interest in aggregating data on log production and weighted average log prices for domestic and export sales. This covers major companies involved in:
- Softwood Plantation
- Hardwood Plantation
- Native Forest
The response has generally been positive and at this stage most of the growers have confirmed participation. In addition some growers have also expressed interest in benchmarking measures of operational performance.
At present the national data is published annually with information for sawlog and pulp log volumes. By comparison some other countries such as New Zealand provide more regular information.
It is expected the growers’ data series will provide quarterly or 6 monthly data with detailed log grade data.
More information
Please contact Jim Houghton, Statistics and Economics Manager on or (03) 9927 3260.