Release Date:
Fri, 7 March 2008
World-first Australian research that will help select timber best suited to specific local conditions has been launched nationally this week.
An estimated $3.7 billion worth of timber is used in construction in Australia each year and the launch of the Timber Service-Life Design Guide is expected to improve performance and safety, and reduce long term costs, by assisting the most appropriate timber selection.
The guide and related Timberlife education software and associated timber design procedures are the result of a 10-year, multi-million-dollar collaboration between scientists at CSIRO, state forestry agencies and the timber industry.
The timber durability design project was conceived in 1996 and led by internationally recognised CSIRO building engineer Dr Robert Leicester, with funding from CSIRO, industry and Forest and Wood Products Australia.
Media Release:
732008 FWPAMedia Guide helps make best timber choices.pdf