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Highly collaborative new 5-year strategic plan means growth and transparency for industry!

Factors including rising inflation, higher interest rates, the war in Ukraine, a leadership change in Australian Government and its increased focus on environmental issues, significant labour shortages, and general supply chain difficulties are likely to have continued implications for our sector that are not yet completely clear.

With new Australian Government funding, it was an appropriate time to consider a new approach to our strategic planning.

“To ensure we continue to serve the industry in the most effective way, FWPA needs to be able to anticipate, adapt and respond to changing dynamics,” FWPA CEO Andrew Leighton said. The measure of a good strategic plan is an inherent ability to retain long-term relevance in the face of such volatility, while allowing for adjustments to be made as circumstances dictate within that framework.”

The FWPA Board began a ‘clean sheet of paper’ review in 2020 to rethink and rewrite the company strategy in its entirety.

Under the government funding agreement, development of the 2023-28 Strategic Plan required an independent review of FWPA’s current performance, as well as a situational analysis of the forest and wood products industry, and the issues it faces in the context of the changing nature of the rural innovation landscape. Most importantly, the input of members and stakeholders from across the supply chain and beyond was essential.

The new strategic plan was developed in a collaborative and iterative fashion, with industry consultation forming a crucial component.

“As the new CEO of FWPA, one of my earliest priorities was to review the strategic plan with the advantage of a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ to ensure a compelling vision, informed by a broad set of industry stakeholders,” Leighton said.

A dedicated reference group was established to advise the FWPA Board throughout the process. This group included members from industry representative bodies, levy payers and service providers.

Stakeholders far and wide were invited to share their own thoughts by completing an open survey and a consultative workshop was held with FWPA staff.

“In talking to members, common themes were the desire for greater transparency and accountability, and a long-term focus on driving demand growth for our products,” Leighton said.

“In particular, opportunities were highlighted around the inherent environmental advantages of timber in an increasingly environmentally conscious world.

“With that in mind, our new strategic plan has been deliberately structured with a clear long-term focus on growth, and with FWPA’s success transparently tracked through a set of specific and measurable KPIs across our various programs and activities.”

An initial draft was circulated among many of the stakeholders mentioned above, with all feedback considered and utilised to present a new version to the FWPA Board, industry members and the Australian Government for final sign off.

The result of this work is a strategic plan that draws on the invaluable shared expertise of the industry, sets an exciting new direction, and outlines four priority outcomes and supported by members.

The high-level outcome areas focus on consumers, supply chain customers, growers and processors, industry capability and decision making underpinned by a foundational platform to ensure high performance service delivery.

In addition, given the Australian Government is an important contributor to FWPA through matching payments for eligible research and development activities, governmental investment priorities were explicitly considered in the development of the plan, linking directly to the strategic plan’s outcomes.

“I would like to thank our industry partners for their valuable support in the development of this plan. Their ongoing feedback and input have enabled the creation of a new suite of programs and activities that are relevant, achievable and appropriately focused,” Leighton said.

Diving into a little more detail:

The FWPA 2023-28 Strategic Plan outlines the following:

Vision – The Australian forest and wood products industry will grow in value as a result of increased demand for its innovative, sustainable and competitive products and services.

Mission – FWPA collaborates with government and industry to deliver transformative RD&E initiatives and market development programs to drive growth in the Australian forest and wood products industry.

High-level outcomes set for FWPA to achieve by 2028:

Outcome 1 – Consumers

Improve perceptions of forest and wood products through the development and promotion of their economic, environmental and social advantages.

Outcome 2 – Supply chain customers

Increase the demand for, and value of, wood products in the built environment and industrial markets.

Outcome 3 – Growers and processors

Improve the resource base, reduce risk and increase productivity and utilisation along the value chain.

Outcome 4 – Industry capability and decision making

Attract and retain people to the industry and enhance workforce capability and decision-making.

Foundational platform: Provide leadership as the industry services company.

Each outcome is made up of several objectives, with key performance indicators (KPIs) or targets related to these deliverables, all of which are outlined in detail within the plan.

A detailed monitoring and evaluation plan will be developed to accompany the strategic plan. Key performance measures and how progress against them is monitored includes a combination of data collection, consumer market research, and grower, processor and design and construction specifier surveys.

You can read the complete FWPA 2023-28 Strategic Plan by clicking here.

Posted Date: June 13, 2023

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