The role of thermal mass in residential design is apparently simple, yet in practice it is frequently poorly understood and applied, especially in timber design and construction. While it is often said that thermal mass is good, it is seldom recognised that too much, or poor application of thermal mass, can be counter-productive.
These are among many of the issues addressed in three new free publications from WoodSolutions, funded by Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA).
The new guides, separated into three titles, make essential reading for architects, building designers, engineers and other professionals concerned with maximising the thermal efficiency of timber structures.
Guide 22 ‘Thermal Performance in Timber-framed Buildings’, provides a step-by-step overview of housing design for greater thermal comfort. Guide 23, ‘Using Thermal Mass in Timber-framed Buildings’, is based on analysis of real world and computer simulations of thermal mass in typical project homes and experimental structures in several Australian climates. The third, Guide 24 ‘thermal Performance for Timber-framed Residential Construction’, explains the principles of thermal performance and focuses on ways to enhance the performance of residential timber-framed buildings.
Click here for source (Timberbiz)
Direct link to Guides (WoodSolutions)