Each issue of ForWood lists the latest approved projects. Below are projects that have been approved since July 2014.
Project (Research Provider) | FWPA invests | Total budget |
Investment Plan for: Solid wood, engineered wood and pulp and paper products: Performance & yield: Update (Sylva Systems) | 18,000 | 18,000 |
Development of a methodology for a national database for the forestry and timber processing sector (Sylva Systems) | 12,000 | 12,000 |
MALDI-TOF Analysis of Stained Pilularis & Globulus Veneer (Timber Veneers Association of Aust.) | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Forestry and Forest Products Research Expenditure and Capacity 2012-13 (Forsci) | 26,604 | 26,604 |
Long-span timber floor and framing systems for commercial buildings (UTS) | 280,000 | 677,905 |
ProFert-Pine – A fertiliser tool for softwood plantations in southern Australia. (TreeMod) | 42,000 | 136,000 |
Life Cycle Assessment of a 5 Storey Residential Building in Parkville (RMIT) | 26,400 | 26,400 |
Discussion Paper on research needs and gaps for exporters and woodchips (Indufor) | 10,250 | 10,250 |
Industry Safety Strategy and Framework paper (Omega Consulting) | 15,000 | 15,000 |
BAL -29 fire testing of Jarrah and Karri decking boards (Exova) | 35,900 | 35,900 |
CBA for timber framing: Proposal for change to the Australian Building Code (CIE) | 35,000 | 35,000 |