Voluntary matched funding is once again being made available for collaborative research projects, thanks to an agreement between FWPA and the Federal Government.
FWPA is calling for proposals for voluntary matched funding for collaborative research projects, to be received by close of business, Tuesday 31 October.
Following a successful program in 2016/17, the matched funding is being made available again this financial year, under an agreement negotiated between FWPA and the Federal Government capped this year at $2,764,000.
Industry researchers are invited to submit detailed research proposals for projects commencing in the 2017/18 financial year to apply for a share of around $110,000 of voluntary matched funding still available this year.
Funding of up to 50 per cent of total project cash cost, subject to industry and stakeholder endorsement and cash co-investment.
To be eligible for dollar-for-dollar matching funding, projects need to:
- Have voluntary cash contributions from at least two unrelated companies, where the money contributed has not originally come from Federal or State Government funding
- Align to industry and government research priorities
- Make intellectual property created available to the industry at the project’s completion – there is no requirement to make availability free of charge
- Not constitute cost-shifting i.e. it must be additional activity not research a company would have carried out in any event.
For more information, please contact Chris Lafferty, R&D Manager, chris.lafferty@fwpa.com.au