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Wood in the workplace on TV

Across Australia, award-winning architect Peter Maddison, host of Grand Designs Australia, is entering the living rooms and devices of hundreds of thousands of people, with news about the wellbeing, productivity and other advantages of wood.

The commercials, which include Peter Maddison in a before and after office situation, include a 30 second and 15 second spot. These introduce the wellbeing and productivity benefits of wood in the workplace, supported by messages about the advantages of other uses of timber, including residential framing and wood in the home.

The videos will be complemented by an extensive online content marketing campaign designed to amplify the message and engage users by extending the information about the role of wood in promoting wellbeing and improved productivity in the workplace.

The ads are a product of our strategic alliance with Planet Ark and feature the brand Wood. Naturally Better – which FWPA established in order to promote the advantages of wood to consumers.

A new message in this campaign is the role that wood can play in creating work environments in which people feel greater wellbeing and more productive.

This information comes from a ground-breaking report that is one of the first instances in the world in which anecdotal evidence about the benefits of wood in the built environment is supported by reliable data. It has received international coverage, and we look forward to it stimulating conversation in the Australian market.”

View the commercials on Youtube here.

Find more information, including a free copy of the report, Workplaces: Wellness + Wood = Productivity, here.

Posted Date: June 14, 2018

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