This document is part of a series of four guidance reports that cover topics related to small-scale farm forestry, private native forestry, and Indigenous managed forest lands. Learn more about the other reports and documents via this link.
The Central West NSW Forestry Hub is one of 11 similar organisations funded by the Australian Government to provide it with advice on supporting growth in the forest and wood products sector in key regions. The Hub covers the region stretching from Orange in the west to the Blue Mountains in the east, and from Lithgow in the north to Goulburn in the south. The industry is focused in the Oberon shire, where most of the timber processing and plantations are located. High rainfall and good quality soils make this an ideal area for growing plantations. Other significant plantations are located between Bathurst and Lithgow in the east and around Orange in the north of the region. Smaller plantation areas are scattered throughout the region, including south of the Abercrombie River.