Introduction of the wasp Diaeretus essigellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiini) for biological control of Monterey Pine Aphid, Essigella californica (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Cinarini) in Australia.
The Monterey pine aphid, Essigella californica, was first recorded in Australia in 1998. By 2004 it was reported to be causing significant economic losses through defoliation and associated reduction in growth-rates of radiata pine. In 2005, the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) was commissioned to research and introduce a potential biological control agent, the parasitoid wasp, Diaeretus essigellae.
SARDI had to locate and identify live D. essigellae wasps in California before importing them into strict quarantine in Australia. For two years the wasps were tested against Monterey pine aphids, as well as another seven aphid species known to occur in Australia.
- Reference Number: PNC063-0607
- Findings Report: PNC063-0607_Final _Report_0.pdf
- Other Attachments: PNC063-0607_Stage 1 Technical _Report_0.pdf
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