This short project aims to transition the software known as PINT (Program for Identifying Nursery
Trees) into operational use within forestry companies and service providers. A rolling program of
outreach consisting of one-on-one engagement, workshops and seminars will be conducted to
assist in the necessary knowledge transfer and integration of PINT into forestry management
A short experimental field trial program, tailored to the needs of participants, will also
be conducted to devise drone flight strategies that allow the optimal operational outcomes; and
the PINT software will be modified to ensure it delivers the most operationally useful outputs.
The operationalisation of the software offers the prospect of more reliable, accurate, and cost-effective
examination of large areas of replanted forest to efficiently create maps of seedling locations and
missing trees. This offers the prospect of safer, more efficient forest management practices that
involve considerably less fieldwork.
Resource modelling/Remote sensing
Research Organisation
University of South Australia