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ABARES Work Program Industry Workshops

ABARES and FWPA have maintained a long working relationship. This collaborative relationship has enabled a range of valued forest products industry research reports and industry data series which is freely available and used by the Australian industry, consultants, peak bodies, Government and other stakeholders. 

The ABARES and FWPA 2018 -2022 work plan has now completed, and FWPA are working to develop a new two-year work plan. In order to help inform this new work plan, FWPA consulted with members and associate members through two online workshops. Approximately 40 attendees were registered across these workshops, with follow-up surveying of attendees also undertaken to assist in quantifying attendee value for FWPA/ABARES future program. 

A report is being developed based on consultation feedback by Omega Consulting, with a draft expected to be completed in early August. 

If you were not able to participate in the workshops and would like to provide input into the process, please feel free to call Kevin Peachey, Statistics and Economics Manager on 0411 060 186.

Posted Date: August 2, 2022

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