The aboveground carbon (AGC) storage of open Eucalyptus forests is currently unknown, yet they are estimated to account for almost 25% of all Australian forests and about 60% of forests in Victoria.
This new study provides the best possible estimates of total AGC, including tree biomass derived from destructive biomass sampling across 23 study plots established in open Eucalyptus forests in Victoria.
In-field results showed that the 8.3 million hectares of open Eucalyptus forests sequestered at least 139 Mt carbon more than default Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM) predictions. Because most of these forests are not subject to human-induced emission such as harvesting, only emissions and stock changes from a small area of these forests is reported in national inventories and international greenhouse emissions agreements.
Concern for climate change and emission reduction will inevitably require land managers to come up with defendable methods of estimating forest carbon stocks and changes in all forest types.
Click here for source (MDPI Forests)