FWPA has launched a new brand to the industry ahead of a consumer advertising campaign next month, with the goal of reframing forestry in the eyes of the public.
The Ultimate Renewable™ will promote the sustainability and environmental advantages of Australia’s forest and wood products industry.
Messages underpinning the brand will aim to educate the public that Wood is The Ultimate Renewable™ resource, as it can be replanted and will continually grow back. The brand offers a universal, positive communications message for the sector to share and was warmly received by industry representatives in attendance.
Speaking at the first launch event in Melbourne was John Simon, FWPA Chairman, Ric Sinclair, FWPA Managing Director, Peter Maddison, award-winning architect and host of Grand Designs Australia, and Howard Parry-Husbands, CEO of research consultancy Pollinate, which oversaw the consultation process informing the brand.
The Ultimate Renewable™ resulted from many months of collaboration between FWPA, the industry and consumers.
Through a number of focus groups and extensive data analysis, the consultation found the most impactful message was the idea of forestry being renewable. Forest and wood products provide a wealth of benefits for the environment and help tackle climate change, at a time when environmental issues are becoming increasingly important to Australian businesses and consumers.
Parry-Husbands said The Ultimate Renewable™ will galvanise stakeholders across the sector to unite with the singular focus of positively changing public perceptions around forestry.
“Our initial analysis showed that, while mainstream media was concerned with the perceived negative environmental impact of forestry, what was missing from the narrative was a focus on replanting.
“During our extensive consultation about potential ways of turning negative perceptions into positive ones, a common theme emerged … the fact that Wood is The Ultimate Renewable™.
“If the industry can properly demonstrate this, we can change the world to one built on sustainable resources! Everybody will benefit if we work together,” Parry-Husbands said.
Sinclair said The Ultimate Renewable™ is a concept built on an ethos of collaboration. He urged stakeholders to become champions of the brand by promoting the benefits of using sustainably sourced and well-managed forest products.
“We operate in an incredibly diverse sector. But no matter where our stakeholders sit across the supply chain, the reality is that we all share a common resource, which is renewable.
“What we have created is a brand that everyone can embrace and incorporate into their own collateral, in turn amplifying the message,” Sinclair said.
FWPA will act as the central point for the coordination and marketing of The Ultimate Renewable™, with variations of the logo available for use by different areas of the sector.
As well as hearing the story behind the new brand, attendees were treated to a sneak peek of the new The Ultimate Renewable™ TV consumer advertisements featuring Peter Maddison. The ads share the key messages behind the brand and will be launched as part of a multi-platform, $1.8m campaign from the first week of July.
Maddison told guests there has been a notable shift in attitudes towards wood amongst both the media and building industry in recent years.
“While some architects and designers may still have trouble deciphering the messages around timber and construction, more and more are recognising the benefits of using this wonderful material.
“I believe the market has turned, and it is an honour to lend myself to such a wonderful cause,” Maddison said.
Since the Melbourne event, The Ultimate Renewable™ has been launched via similar events around Australia, including Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart, with Perth and Adelaide to follow on 25 and 26 June respectively.
More information on The Ultimate Renewable™ can be found on the FWPA website – Resources.