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FWPA Webinar Series: Industry Sustainability Credentials – Opportunities & Obligations


Part 1: Global movements and frameworks – the UN SDGs and the Forest Sector SDG Roadmap

Event Type: Webinar Series
Date: 21 April, 2021 4:00 PM AEST
Duration: approx. 1h
Location: Online 

The webinar will outline the global sustainability agenda and the challenges and opportunities this presents for the forest sector. The webinar will include a brief presentation on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Forest Sector Roadmap followed by interactive discussion on key questions including:

  • How can the forest sector contribute to some goals and manage its impacts on others?
  • What key performance indicators are being used and how is the sector progressing?
  • How can the Australian forest and wood products sector contribute and what are the benefits?


Contact: info@fwpa.com.au 


Part 2: ESG – What is driving investors and the finance sector?

Event Type: Webinar Series
Date: 28 April, 11.00 AM AEST
Duration: approx. 1h
Location: Online 

The webinar will provide an introduction to ESG – environment, social and governance – from the finance sector’s perspective. Specifically it will focus on:

  • How investors and banks approach ESG-related risks.
  • What the finance sector wants to know.
  • How ESG translates to the forest and wood products sector.
  • Current trends in ESG and what to expect in the future.


Contact: info@fwpa.com.au 


Part 3: What are other sectors doing in sustainability?

Event Type: Webinar Series
Date: 29 April, 11.00 AM AEST
Duration: approx. 1h
Location: Online 

The webinar will look at the development and implementation of national sustainability frameworks in other sectors, specifically the dairy and beef industries. The Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework and the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework have been in place for nearly ten years and are designed to demonstrate action and progress in sustainability. This webinar will examine:

  • The drivers for development both global and local.
  • Major features of the Frameworks.
  • Lessons learned along the way – what has worked and why?
  • What would this look like in the forest sector?


Contact: info@fwpa.com.au 


Part 4: Natural Capital and Valuation

Event Type: Webinar Series
Date: 4 May, 2.00 PM AEST
Duration: approx. 1h
Location: Online 

The webinar will introduce the concept of natural capital accounting and how it is used to measure ecosystems and their services in physical and monetary terms. This will include an overview of the standards in use and how they are applied as well as a case study from Forico on how the results can be used in decision-making.


Contact: info@fwpa.com.au 


Part 5: Reporting on social and environmental performance – update on federal reporting requirements and trends

Event Type: Webinar Series
Date: 6 May, 11.00 AM AEST
Duration: approx. 1h
Location: Online 

The webinar will focus on recent regulatory initiatives by the Commonwealth Government in public reporting and disclosure. The Modern Slavery Act (2018) requires a company to prepare an annual statement outlining how it is identifying and addressing modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains. The first of these statements are now available. The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (2007) has been in operation much longer and best practices and expectations in carbon reporting continue to evolve. Financial regulators, such as ASIC, have also incorporated requirements for companies to disclose climate risks. This webinar will look at reporting requirements, practices and trends in human rights and modern slavery as well as climate change and carbon.


Contact: info@fwpa.com.au 



Event Type: Workshop
Date: 11 May
Location: Online

Add SAVE THE DATE to calendar here.

Posted Date: April 14, 2021

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