In 2011 FWPA and the newly created ABARES commenced a joint project that builds on existing data collection and reporting processes for the ABARES twice-yearly publication, Australian forest and wood product statistics (AFWPS). This project was designed to fill information gaps in the Australian forestry industry by providing new information and improving the reliability of existing information.
A new program is now being finalised which is expected to extend the reach of FWPA and ABARES joint activities. This should expand the information available to the forest and wood products sector and make greater use of the data being generated by industry through the FWPA Statistics and Economics program.
The program is designed to build skills and capacity required to provide both industry and policy makers with timely, more accurate and relevant information on which to make informed business and regulatory decisions.
In addition to the production of the 6 monthly AFWPS the program is expected to include further project activities in 3 key areas:
- Data Timeliness
- Resource Availability and Wood Flows
- Processing Capability