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New Zealand log exports hit new record – 18.2 million m3

For the year-ended September 2017, New Zealand’s log exports totaled a record 18.2 million m3, accounting for a significant 57.4% of the total harvest. The much discussed export of softwood logs from New Zealand clearly continues apace, but of interest is that the total harvest also hit a new record, as did the volumes of both Sawlogs and Peeler logs for domestic use.

While exports continue to grow – they were up 7.1% for the year to the end of September, compared with the prior year – the total harvest rose 4.7% to 31.7 million m3.

The chart below provides the details, but it also shows that the Saw and Peeler log harvest totaled 9.1 million m3 over the same year, also a record and a solid 4.6% higher than a year earlier. Saw and Peeler logs accounted for 28.6% of the total harvest.


To go straight to the dashboard and take a closer look at the data, click here

The pulp log harvest totaled 2.9 million m3 for the year to the end of September 2017. This was 6.3% lower than a year earlier. The data may suggest that the expanded harvest for Saw and Peeler logs has seen Pulp log supplies being replaced by mill residues, with the logs having a higher value when used initially in the solid wood market.

Like Australia, the New Zealand export story is one of great success or deep concern. It all depends on your perspective.


Posted Date: February 9, 2018

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