New Zealand’s quarterly sawlog removals moved up to a peak of 2.038 million m3 in the June Quarter of 2016. Always the quarter when removals are largest, this is just the second time in which the country’s quarterly sawlog removals have exceeded the 2 million m3 mark.
Demonstrating the close relationship between removals and sales, the June Quarter saw sawnwood production also peak at 1.129 million m3, while inventory levels were reportedly well below their peak at just 472,000m3. This is shown in the chart below.
To go straight to the dashboard and take a closer look at the data, click here.
Plantation removals from New Zealand (including the sawlog removals described above) were moderately lower in total in the June Quarter, than their peak.
This is shown in the chart below.
To go straight to the dashboard and take a closer look at the data, click here.
Notably, Export logs really do drive the New Zealand harvest. In the June Quarter, they accounted for 57.4% of total production. Second placed, Sawlogs accounted for 26.8% of the total, with Pulp logs making up 6.6% of the total.
Seasonal expectations are that the New Zealand harvest will decline in the September Quarter, with Sawlog production usually being reduced in that quarter.