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The effect of the number of log sorts on log processing productivity

New Zealand’s forestry supply chain handles a wide range of log products to meet domestic and export market demands and to maximise returns to the forest grower. A typical harvesting operation will produce 8 to 22 log sorts while harvesting Pinus radiata, however strong market demand for logs are currently reducing the value gains from producing a wide range of log sorts. 

Researchers from the University of Canterbury looked at two harvesting operations and studied the effectiveness of the mechanised processing component under different market scenarios (5, 9, 12, and 15 log sorts). Both the product value and the operational impacts on log processing productivity were highlighted. 

This study showed cutting 9 log sorts was estimated to be the optimum scenario in terms of the value produced per productive machine hour. The market scenario with 15 log sorts decreased processor productivity by around 10%. This suggests predicted falls in processor productivity, as the number of log sorts increased, offset gains in gross value recovery when producing 12 and 15 sorts.

Click here for source (International Journal of Forest Engineering)

Photo: FIEA


Posted Date: May 21, 2015

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