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There’s an app for that! Helping building specifiers select timber products

The team behind FWPA’s WoodSolutions website has created a free app to help professionals in the design and build industry choose the most appropriate timber species and products for structural, exterior and interior applications – making the decision process easier and faster.

The free WoodSolutions Species App covers a broad range of hardwood and softwood species, listing suppliers for each and detailing application types and available engineered wood products. 

The comprehensive list of over 100 Australian and imported timber species can be filtered by wood type, colour group, Bushfire Attack Level (BAL), durability and strength ratings. 

The app will support design professionals during the research phase of a project and enable them to find a fit-for-purpose solution to their requirements.

FWPA’s objective was to take the wealth of resources and information on wood species available on the website, and deliver it in a convenient, easy-to-use tool that is available on the go. 

The app has the potential to make the decision process much easier and faster.

The WoodSolutions Species App is now available for download via the iTunes store for Apple and the Play store for Android. Simply search for WoodSolutions in either of the stores and click download.

For inspirational case studies and more detailed information about timber species and wood products, including free technical design guides and expert advice, visit woodsolutions.com.au

Posted Date: October 31, 2017

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