This report examined the current national market size and priorities (including lost opportunities) for outdoor and infrastructure timber such as agricultural rounds, outdoor structural and landscaping products, and poles, bridge and wharf timbers. The sector represents approximately 37 to 52 per cent (dependent of calculation method) of the consumption of sawn and round wood.
The report key participants in the sector’s supply chain (e.g. growers, processors, merchants and specifiers); major species and annual volumes entering the market; and historical trends over the previous 10 years with industry forecasts for volume demands for the next 10 years. The report also conducted a very initial screening of R&D (product) challenges facing this sector.
The market volume has doubled over the last 10 years with sawn treated plantation timber seeing the largest growth, particularly landscaping sleepers. The round wood market on the other hand has declined to half its size when last measured in 2007.
Sawn hardwood has remained steady with hardwood round used as transmission poles seeing some decline.
As with other sectors of the Australian timber industry there are threats or lost opportunities. Some of these could be resolved with focused research or development, while others are beyond the FWPA’s ambit, e.g. resource access.
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