Deployment and integration of cost-effective, high spatial resolution, remotely sensed data for the Australian forestry industry.
The aim of this three-year project was to provide commercial forest growers with knowledge of and access to robust data acquisition and processing solutions that will enable cost-effective deployment and integration of LiDAR and camera-derived products for accurate, spatially-explicit, resource assessment information required for operational and strategic planning. A summary of what we did deliver and which have been reported on include:
- Comparison of aerial photography and LiDAR point clouds
- Comparison of the performance of metrics derived from aeial photography and LiDAR point clouds for yield estimates
- Application of LiDAR data to model inventory attributes in a native regeneration forest
- Recommendations and guidelines for data acquisition and workflows required for aerial photography
- Procedures for calibrating LiDAR-UAV systems
- A software application for counting individual tree counts
- Mapping of postharvest Coarse Woody Debris
- Fixed wing UAS application for survival counts in young plantations
- Software solution for the efficient allocation of ground reference plots using aerial LiDAR or photography data
- Evaluation of 3D visualisation and measurement of tree stems using dense point cloud data
In addition to the project report the technology transfer activities would be supported by the production of a guide Planning Guideline: Photogrammetry for Forest Inventory and a web-based costing tool.
The web-based costing tool is due to be launched in early 2018.
Project number: PNC326-1314
Further reading:
- Associated Technical Report: Photogrammetry_for_Forest_Inventory_Planning_Guide_PNC326-1314.pdf
- PointcloudITD Information and Reference Guide: pointcloudITD_information.pdf