• Webinar

10 up: CABALA at 10!

Presented by Jody Bruce, CSIRO, Wednesday 6 November 2013

This Webinar will provide a brief introduction to the history of the CABALA model and how the collaboration between CSIRO, CRC’s, FWPA and industry partners has been critical for the development of the model to where it is today. CABALA is now a broad forest decision support platform that now includes a forest health module, the ability to grow coppice as well as seedlings, weed competition can be incorporated into scenarios and diameter distributions and individual tree metrics can now be generated.

Through partnership and recursive learning with industry partners it is a collective view of how our forests work and how our management impacts of the wood, water and carbon. It acts as a framework for capturing our learning that endures beyond company and research organisation change. The growth model in CABALA is the engine behind BPOS/ FPOS and provides a simple entry portal for industry to access the learning built into the model. CABALA also feeds into CAMBIUM – allowing users to test the impacts climate and silviculture on wood properties.

The presenter will talk about the process of validating and testing the model from experimental data and using data from industry partners to provide the range in climatic and environmental variables seen across Australia’s plantation estate. Then, will discuss some case studies; the ability to predict Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata growth rates, using CABALA to explore sustainability issues including second rotation decline in E. globulus, generating individual tree metrics in both E. globulus and P. radiata and the flow into product value.

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