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Remote sensing of land-use-specific actual evapotranspiration of entire catchments containing plantations

Presented by Dr Tim McVicar, CSIRO Land and Water on Wednesday 28 June 2017.

This presentation will report on the completion of the FWPA co-funded project entitled Remote sensing of land-use-specific actual evapotranspiration of entire catchments containing plantations (project PNC286-1112).

Being able to accurately measure how much water is used by all land-uses, including plantations, is vital for the forest industry to lead an ‘evidence-based’ informed debate about forestry water use.

Such research can help state and federal regulators to understand the nuances and complexities of ‘normal’ water use across catchments containing multiple land-uses.

In this FWPA co-funded project, researchers from CSIRO determined water-usage across two large study sites that include forestry plantations in NSW and the Green Triangle region of Victoria and South Australia. The researchers “blended” low frequency/high resolution Landsat data with high frequency/low resolution MODIS data.

The “blended” high frequency/high resolution satellite data was used as input to an algorithm that accurately estimated actual evapotranspiration (AET) across the study sites for all land-uses.

Tim leads the Time Series Remote Sensing team within the Environmental Earth Observation group of the Environmental Sensing, Prediction and Reporting theme of CSIRO Land and Water.

He is a spatial eco-hydrologist with over 19 years research experience in the use of time series remote sensing linked with spatio-temporal interpolation methods and analysis technologies to model and monitor regional eco-hydrological processes.

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