The Timber Committees are working through standards of importance to the industry. Work currently being undertaken includes:
TM-010 Timber Structures and Framing
AS 1720.3 Timber structures – Residential timber-framed construction – Design Criteria
This Standard is nearing completion with the Committee balloting completed. As there were no major issues identified through the public comment procedure, the agreed changes will be incorporated by Standards Australia with the document to be published shortly. This document provides the engineering basis for the design of residential timber framing members.
TM-011 Engineered Timber Products
AS/NZS 8008 Structural Finger Jointed Timber
AS/NZS 8008 was published as an interim Standard (the 2 year interim status expires in the middle of 2016) and needs to be either revised, endorsed or withdrawn. A working group was established to review the Standard and has indicated that, in its current format, it is too complex and was a major reason for it not being used by manufacturers or specifiers.
TM-012 Timber Grading and Preservation
AS 1604 Preservative-treated timber (Parts 1 to 5) A current minor amendment of the AS 1604 treated timber Standards is nearing completion with a major revision of the AS 1604 series having been initiated by TM-012 to address fundamental treatment and treatment verification issues with the Standard.