• Report

Adoption of new airborne technologies for improving efficiencies & accuracy of estimating standing volume & yield modeling in Pinus radiata plantations

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Published Date

March 2011

Updating forest inventories of P. radiata plantations can be very expensive, with traditional methods costing from $25 to $40 per hectare. However LiDAR (Airborne Laser Scanner) data combined with multi-wavelength digital imagery is predicted to produce accurate estimates of tree height, stem density, basal area, forest volume and biomass at a cost of around $2 to $4 per hectare.

This project assessed the effectiveness of LiDAR and digital imagery technology in NSW radiataplantations, and compared them with current ground-based sampling methods. The final report provided guidelines and recommendations on how data should be analysed and interpreted by plantation managers through the modification of existing forest management systems, as well as which LiDAR, camera and software technologies are most suitable for local conditions.



Christine Stone, Russell Turner, Amrit Kathuria, Catherine Carney, Peter Worsley, Trent Penman, Hui-Quan Bi, Julian Fox, and Duncan Watt

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