• Webinar

Utilisation of NIR in forest management

Presented by Geoff Downes, Forest Quality Pty Ltd, Wednesday 11 September 2013.

This webinar will present an overview on ways of utilisation of NIR in forest management. Foresters can now precisely predict Kraft pulp yield from standing trees in eucalypt plantations with hand-held devices that use near-infrared radiation (NIR) and provide immediate results. The technology will help foresters to fast-track genetic development and help them ensure that their wood chips meet the customer’s specifications for pulp yield. It expands the standard process of destructive testing to allow non-destructive pulp yield assessment.

Geoff spent 20 years as a Senior / Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO. His main research interests revolve around wood quality issues in plantation forests, particularly in regard to site and climate effects on wood formation. He has led a range of projects dealing with physiological modelling of wood formation, applications of near-infra-red spectroscopy to the non-destructive prediction of wood properties, and improved wood utilisation of eucalypt plantations (CRC Forestry).


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